Какво ни казват кръвните изследвания за папагалите?
Целта на настоящата статия е да запознае любителите на
папагалите с някои факти, за които почти не се пише и говори, но те са
потенциално опасни за живота и доброто развитие на нашите домашни любимци.
За всеки който иска да научи нещо ново за обичания си приятел.
За здравето на Вашият папагал.
Показатели на кръвта, които ще разкажат всичко за здравето и какво всъщност е важно да следваме, за да бъдат здрави папагалите ни.
Кръвта се състои от твърди частици (клетки, протеини) и
течност (вода и съединения, суспендирани във вода). Когато поставим кръв през
центрофуга, тя се разделя на два основни компонента - клетки (тъмната част) и
плазмата (течността отгоре).
Компетентни изследвания от реномирана клиника, показват това:
(И двете проби са на гладно)
Вдясно е кръв от здравa Koрела, която яде комбинация от зеленчуци, плодове, гранули и семена. Вляво е Корела, която се храни само със семена, а от тези семена папагала обича да избира основно слънчогледа.
Това, което виждате, е съотношението на холестерол и мазнина в кръвта на папагала, отаеното отгоре е твърда част от мазнините. Холестеролът в кръвта на индивида беше извън нормите. Птицата е докарана в клиниката колабирала, с наклонена глава, типично поведение на удар, което не е изненада, като се има предвид как тази сгъстена и замърсена кръв преминава през сърцето и мозъка.
Семената на слънчоглед и шафран, са с високо съдържание на мазнини, а им липсват много витамини. Птица, ядяща само мастни семена, по принцип се храни с тях през целия си живот. Семето има своето място в храната, но не трябва да бъде преобладаващо. Птиците в дивата природа ще ядат сухи семена от трева, когато тя е налична през лятото, но също така ядат листа, кълнове, ядки, плодове, цветя и друга прясна храна, която се опитваме да възпроизведем в домашният им хранителен режим като зеленчуци и плодове. Ние стопаните на папагали би трябвало да използваме многокомпонентни, витаминозни гранули като добавка за запълване на тази липса.
Имайте предвид разликата, че в природата те летят много километри, изразходват енергия и мазнини, за да си набавят храна, докато нашите ‘домашни’ приятели летят само по няколко метра и са склонни към натрупване на масни тъкани. Поради тази причина за 'домашните ни приятели' е вредно да ядат много семена, защото няма къде да изразходват енергията и мазнините.
Най-често срещаният източник на
птичи заболявания в клиниките е небалансираната диета. Липсата на правилно
хранене води до всевъзможни проблеми:
- чернодробни проблеми (като омазнен черен дроб),
- сърдечни проблеми и мозъчни (като нас те получават артеросклероза и инсулти),
- проблеми с бъбреците (от преработката на твърде много протеин),
- дихателни проблеми (от липса на витамин А),
- репродуктивни проблеми (от липса на калций и витамин D),
- проблеми със скубането (от суха кожа, липса на витамин Е),
- съкратена продължителност на живота и лоша имунна система, водеща до други заболявания
За да бъдат здрави папагалите Ви, просто следвайте тези прости правила:
- Хранете папагала си здравословно с балансирана, многокомпонентна храна
- Предлагайте семена, не повече от два дни седмично
- Предлагайте свежи плодове или зеленчуци всеки ден
- Сменяйте водата ежедневно
- Не пушете в помещенията с Вашите папагали
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Alliant Powder</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-unique-powder/ ?"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Unique 8lbs</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-steel-powder/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Steel 1lb.</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sport-pistol-powder/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Sport Pistol 1#</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/reloader-33/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Re-33 1lb.</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/reloder-22/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Reloder 22 Smokeless Gun Powder</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/reloder-16/ ?"rel"dofollow">Alliant Reloder 16 Smokeless Gun Powder</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/smokeless-powder/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Green Dot Smokeless Gun Powder</a>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-powder-reloder-33-8/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder Reloder 33 8lb.</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-promo-powder/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Promo 8lbs</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mossberg-maverick-88/"rel"dofollow">Mossberg Maverick 88 Field Shotgun 12 Gauge 3" Chamber 28" 5-Round</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/panzer-arms-bp12/"rel"dofollow">Panzer Arms BP12 Semi-Automatic Shotgun 12 GA 20" Barrel 3"-Chamber 5-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-870-tactical/ ?"rel"dofollow">Remington 870 TAC-14 Black 20GA 14-in 4rd Pistol Grip</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-870-tac-14/"rel"dofollow">Remington 870 Tac-14 12-Gauge 14" Barrel 5 RDs Blued/Hardwood</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-model-870e/"rel"dofollow">Remington Model 870 Tac-14 Black 12 Gauge 14 inch Barrel 5 Rounds with Magpend and Arm ul M-Lok fore-Brace</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-870-express/"rel"dofollow">Remington 870 Express Black 12 GA 3-inch Chamber 18-inch 6Rd</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mossberg-590/"rel"dofollow">Mossberg 590 Shockwave Blued 20 GA 14-inch Barrel 6 Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-870-tac/"rel"dofollow">Remington 870 TAC-14 12-Gauge 14.5" Barrel 4 RDs</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/dickinson-arms/"rel"dofollow">Dickinson Defense Black 12GA 18.5-inch 5rd</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mossberg-maverick-88-security/"rel"dofollow">Mossberg Maverick 88 12GA 20-inch 8Rd</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/g-force-gfp3/"rel"dofollow">G-Force GFP3 12 GA 20" Barrel 3"-Chamber 4-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/silver-eagle-rz17/ ?"rel"dofollow">Silver Eagle RZ17 Tactical Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 4Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/savage-stevens/"rel"dofollow">Savage Stevens 320 12/18.5/3 inch 5rd PG Ghost</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mossberg-500/"rel"dofollow">Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion Pump Shotgun Flat Dark Earth 12 Ga 18.5 inch 6 rd</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/standard-manufacturing/"rel"dofollow">Standard Manufacturing Company DP-12 12GA 18.875in 14rd</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/kel-tec-ks7/"rel"dofollow">Kel-Tec KS7 Tactical Pump Shotgun 12 GA 18.5-inch 6Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/winchester-sx4/ "rel"dofollow">Winchester SX4 UPLAND FLD 12/26 BL/WD 3</a>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/kel-tec/"rel"dofollow">Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5" Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mossberg-590-shockwave/"rel"dofollow">Mossberg 590 Shockwave 12-Gauge 14" Barrel 6 RDs with Bead Sight Blue</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sct/ ?"rel"dofollow">Pointer SCT Basic Trap Walnut 12 GA 30" Barrel 3"-Chamber 1-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/glock-19-gen-5/"rel"dofollow">Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 15-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/g43x/ "rel"dofollow">Glock 43X 9mm 3.41" Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Glock Sights</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/smith-wesson-642/"rel"dofollow">Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight Centennial .38 Special 1.9" Barrel 5 RDs Stainless Steel</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/heritage-firearms/"rel"dofollow">Heritage Firearms Rough Rider Blued / Cocobolo Grip .22LR 6.5-inch 6Rd</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/q-mini-fix-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Q Mini Fix Pistol Gray .300 AAC Blackout 8" Barrel 10-Rounds Optics Ready</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/cobra-firearms/"rel"dofollow">Cobra Firearms Derringer .22 Mag Black Wood Grips</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/bond-arms/"rel"dofollow">Bond Arms Snake Slayer with TG 45/410 3.5-inch</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/north-american-arms/"rel"dofollow">North American Arms Ported Snub 22/22M 1.125-inch 5rd</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/bond-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Bond Arms Rustic Defender Stainless .45 LC 3" Barrel 2-Rounds Holster Package</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/glock-43/ "rel"dofollow">Glock 43 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 3.39" Barrel 6-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ruger-american/"rel"dofollow">Ruger American Compact 9MM Black 3.55-inch 17rd with safety</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p226/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P226 Full Size Single/Double Black 9mm 4.4-inch 15Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/beretta-a400/"rel"dofollow">Beretta A400 Xcel Multitarget Walnut/ Black 12 GA 30-Inch 4Rd</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/federal-gold-medal/"rel"dofollow">Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Match Primers #100M</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/federal-210m-primers/"rel"dofollow">Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Match Primers #210M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100)</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/percussion-caps/"rel"dofollow">CCI Percussion Caps #10 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100)</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/hevishot/"rel"dofollow">Hevishot 28004 Hevi-Hammer 12 Gauge 3" 1 1/4 oz 4 Shot 25 Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/glock-19x/"rel"dofollow">Glock 19X Gen 5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02" Barrel 19-Rounds Streamlight TLR7A</a>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mp-shield/"rel"dofollow">Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M 2.0 Black 9mm 3.1" Barrel 8 Round MA Compliant</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-mpx/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer MPX Copperhead Coyote Tan 9mm 3.5-inch 20Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ruger-ec9s/"rel"dofollow">Ruger EC9s 9mm 3.12" Barrel 7-Rounds Hogue HandALL Grip</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sw-performance/"rel"dofollow">S&W PERFORMANCE CENTER M&P9 M2.0 9MM 5" 17RD NO THUMB SAFETY</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mp-9c-flat-dark-earth/"rel"dofollow">Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 9mm 5" Barrel 17 RDs Flat Dark Earth without Safety</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-extra-lite/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Ex.-Lite 1 Lb</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ar-556/"rel"dofollow">Ruger AR-556 Flat Dark Earth .223 / 5.56 NATO 16-inch 30rd Magpul M-LOK</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ruger-ar-556/"rel"dofollow">Ruger AR-556 Magpul MOE Black AR-15 .223 / 5.56 NATO 16.1-inch 30RdR</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/405-winchester/"rel"dofollow">Hornady Custom ammunition 405 Winchester 20rd Ammo</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/cz-75-ts/"rel"dofollow">CZ 75 TS CZECHMATE PARROT (9MM) C-MORE RED DOT</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p210/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P210 Carry Pistol 9mm 8 RD Night Sights</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/g19-gen-5/"rel"dofollow">Glock 19 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch Barrel 10-Rounds Fixed Sights</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/glock-30/"rel"dofollow">Glock 30 Gen 4 Black .45ACP 3.78-inch 10 Rds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/glock-45/"rel"dofollow">Glock 45 Gen 5 9mm 4.02-inch 10Rds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/g19/"rel"dofollow">Glock 19 Gen5 Flat Dark Earth 9mm 4.02" Barrel 15-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p226/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P226 Full Size Legion RX Gray 9mm 4.4" 15-Round Night Sights</a>\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p938/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P938 9mm 3-inch 7rds Black Siglite Night Sights Massachusetts Compliant</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/auto-ordnance-1927/"rel"dofollow">AUTO-ORDNANCE THOMPSON 1927A-1 DELUXE 45ACP 16.5-INCH 50RD DRUM 2 REVIEWS 6 QUESTIONS 8 ANSWERS</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/colt-anaconda-44/ "rel"dofollow">Colt Anaconda Revolver 44 Rem Magnum Stainless Steel</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ruger-lcp-2/"rel"dofollow">Ruger LCP II .22 LR Pistol</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/rugar-wrangler-od/"rel"dofollow">Rugar Wrangler OD 22LR Barrel 6-rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p322/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P322 22LR 4″ 20Rd, Black</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/colt-1911/"rel"dofollow">Colt 1911 Government Pistol 5" Barrel Black Picatinny Rail Checkered Gray G10 Grip Novak Sights</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/springfield-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Springfield Armory Mil-Spec Defender 1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol 45 ACP 5" Barrel 7-Round Parkerized Wood</a>\r\n<a href=""https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mc-p35/rel"dofollow">Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/aac-honey-badger/"rel"dofollow">Q Honey Badger SD 7" 300 BLK SBR w/ Silencer</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fnx-45/"rel"dofollow">FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3″ Barrel Night Sights Polymer</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/m2-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Walther CCP M2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fn-502/"rel"dofollow">FN 502 Tactical 22LR Pistol With Threaded Barrel – (1) 15 Round and (1) 10 Round Mag</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/mc-p35/ "rel"dofollow">Girsan MC P35 Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fn-509-tactical/"rel"dofollow">FN 509 Tactical 9mm</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/new-colt-python/"rel"dofollow">NEW COLT PYTHON 2022 3″ .357 MAGNUM 6RD STAINLESS WOOD GRIPS</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p322-magazine/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P322 Magazine 22LR 20rounds/25rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p365xl-spectre-comp-2/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P365XL Spectre Comp Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p320-spectre-comp/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P320 Spectre Comp Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/kel-tec-p17/"rel"dofollow">Kel-tec P17</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fn_502_magazine/ "rel"dofollow">FN 502 Magazine 22LR -15 Round and 10 Round</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p365-magazine/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P365 Magazine 9mm 12-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fnx-45-tactical/"rel"dofollow">FN FNX-45 Tactical Pistol 45 ACP 5.3″ Barrel Night Sights Polymer</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p320-legion/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P320 X-Five Legion Pistol 9mm Luger 5″ Barrel 17-Round Polymer Gray</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/charles-daly-ar-410/"rel"dofollow">Charles Daly AR 410 Complete Upper .410 GA 19″ Barrel 5-Rounds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/p320-axg-equinox/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P320 AXG Equinox Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p226-mk25/"rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P226 MK25 MA Compliant Semi-Automatic Pistol 9mm Luger 4.4" Barrel 10-Round Nitron Black</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/sig-sauer-p320/ "rel"dofollow">Sig Sauer P320 Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol</a>\r\n<a 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Complete Pistol Lower Receiver Forged</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/alliant-bullseye-powder-2/"rel"dofollow">Alliant Powder - Bullseye 4lbs</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-ammo/"rel"dofollow">9mm 9x19 Ammo 115gr FMJ Remington Military LE Training (B9MM3) 500 Round Case</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/cci-blazer-9mm/"rel"dofollow">CCI Blazer 9mm 115GR FMJ 50Rds Aluminum case</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/winchester-ammunition/"rel"dofollow">Winchester Ammunition 115 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Brass 9mm 50Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/fiocchi-ammo/ "rel"dofollow">Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/remington-umc-9mm/"rel"dofollow">Remington UMC 9mm 147GR FMJ 50rds</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/winchester-40-s&w-165-grain/"rel"dofollow">Winchester USA Ammunition 40 S&W 165 Grain Full Metal Jacket Flat Nose 50rds</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/federal-40-s&w/"rel"dofollow">Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/federal-40-s&w/ "rel"dofollow">Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/taurus-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Taurus TX22 Compact</a>\r\n<a href="https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/hi-point-pistol/"rel"dofollow">Hi-Point JXP 10 Pistol</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/kel-tec-ksg/"rel"dofollow">Kel-Tec KSG 12 GA 18.5″ Barrel 14-Rounds Optics Ready</a>\r\n<a href=" https://tacticalproreloadsandguns.com/product/ohio-ordnance-wo…barrel-30-rounds/"rel"dofollow">Ohio Ordnance Works H.C.A.R. 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بالدمام\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2015/11/12/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B4-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A9/ شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2016/06/05/transfer-furniture-jeddah/ شركة نقل عفش بجدة\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2017/08/10/movers-company-mecca-naql/ شركات نقل العفش بمكة\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2016/06/05/transfer-furniture-mecca/ شركة نقل عفش بمكة\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2016/06/05/transfer-furniture-taif/ شركة نقل عفش بالطائف\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2016/06/05/transfer-furniture-riyadh/ شركة نقل عفش بالرياض\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2016/06/05/transfer-furniture-yanbu/ شركة نقل عفش بينبع\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/category/%D8%AE%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B4-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AE%D8%B2%D9%8A%D9%86/ نقل العفش والتخزين\r\nhttp://www.domyate.com/2015/08/30/furniture-transport-company-in-almadinah/ شركة 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